Feature #10188

Draft text for the website about buying t-shirts

Added by Anonymous 2015-09-13 04:27:25 . Updated 2016-09-17 14:55:09 .

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We mostly agree that having t-shirts would be a nice thing to have.
However we would like to make it clear that there are also more direct ways to contribute to Tails.
We need to draft a text and integrate this into the website.
sajolida can proofread and help with this, but the draft should be written by other people.

A first draft was proposed:

If you wish, you can buy a T-Shirt through the Berlin Tor Office/Zwiebelfreunde (add contact information and/or link and maybe an image here). The T-Shirts are made of organic cotton and fairly produced. All benefits go directly to Tails and financially support us. Thank you!
But there also are more direct ways to support our work: for example by
[[contributing code, translations, documentation, artwork, organizing a talk or a workshop etc.]]. (link to contribute page)



#1 Updated by Anonymous 2015-09-13 04:27:47

#2 Updated by sajolida 2015-09-14 07:20:47

  • Status changed from New to Confirmed
  • Type of work changed from Discuss to End-user documentation

We also need to draft where to include this on the website and where to link it from. That doesn’t seem super easy at first sight.

#3 Updated by Anonymous 2015-10-14 10:14:58

  • Assignee deleted (None)
  • Type of work changed from End-user documentation to Discuss

I am proposing this ticket as a discussion ticket for the next meeting, because I think we cannot improve the draft by letting this ticket rot somewhere here :)

#4 Updated by sajolida 2015-10-20 07:36:07

In Feature #10188#note-2 I was pointing out that the “draft” is not complete as we’re lacking a proposal about where to put this text on the website and how to advertize it in general. Maybe we can do this during the meeting, but I’d prefer having people brainstorm on this beforehand (otherwise we won’t “discuss” during the meeting but “elaborate”).

#5 Updated by Anonymous 2015-10-20 14:04:07

Thanks for clarifying this. I do completely agree.

My proposal would be to add this to the donations page. As buying a t-shirts is more or less the same kind of contribution as a money donation, except that you get something else in return. This could happen on a dedicated page or not.

At conferences, we could send people to that specific page.

Furthermore, it could be announced on Twitter around the end of the year.
Not sure if it should be in the Tails news, I do not think so.
I also do not think that it should be announced on tails-project.

So how do I get more people to brainstorm on this before the meeting? :)

#6 Updated by sajolida 2015-10-21 01:55:48

Thanks for the initial proposal!

Do we know how much money we will make from selling a t-shirt? and how much a t-shirts would cost to the buyer?

Because I’m slightly afraid of advertizing them as a way to donate unless the benefit is quite high for us. I don’t want people to think “hey, instead of donating 30€ to Tails, I can buy a 30€ t-shirt instead.” because that’s less income for us.

On the other hand, I couldn’t find any better place on our current website :( That’s why I asked for more input (if I had a super clear proposal I would have made it already).

Maybe we could have a dedicated page for t-shirts with transparent information about how the money is split (production cost, Zwiebelfreunde, Tails) and how much we earn from them. Such a page could be linked below “Make a donation” in the “Donate” section of /contribute. And also linked from /contribute/how/donate without being extremelly visible and with a bit of warning regarding the concerns I’m expressing.

#7 Updated by Anonymous 2015-10-26 12:06:31

  • Type of work changed from Discuss to Communicate

> Do we know how much money we will make from selling a t-shirt? and how much a t-shirts would cost to the buyer?

As said in an email thread, we have thid information, not very precisely yet though.

> Because I’m slightly afraid of advertizing them as a way to donate unless the benefit is quite high for us. I don’t want people to think “hey, instead of donating 30€ to Tails, I can buy a 30€ t-shirt instead.” because that’s less income for us.

Absolutely correct.

> On the other hand, I couldn’t find any better place on our current website :( That’s why I asked for more input (if I had a super clear proposal I would have made it already).
> Maybe we could have a dedicated page for t-shirts with transparent information about how the money is split (production cost, Zwiebelfreunde, Tails) and how much we earn from them. Such a page could be linked below “Make a donation” in the “Donate” section of /contribute. And also linked from /contribute/how/donate without being extremelly visible and with a bit of warning regarding the concerns I’m expressing.

I agree, should I prepare that page once we have the total data?

#8 Updated by sajolida 2015-10-27 07:16:05

Yeap, I’d be happy to review it. Also, do we have clear instructions and how people should actually order the thing (Paypal, notify Zwiebelfreunde, etc)?

#9 Updated by Anonymous 2015-10-27 07:42:23

Yes we do have these “instructions” :) There will be a webshop probably at the end of november (let’s hope so!). People can order there or, if paranoid, may also send encrypted emails and handle the payment directly with the people running the shop. I have no idea yet if they would accept Bitcoin too but i suppose so.

#10 Updated by Anonymous 2015-10-27 07:43:42

sajolida wrote:
> Yeap, I’d be happy to review it. Also, do we have clear instructions and how people should actually order the thing (Paypal, notify Zwiebelfreunde, etc)?

By the way, you might have missed the email where I said all that already. I’ll send it to you in private again, because there was also a question about the final price - which we as a project have to determine, based on the data we have. Should I create a ticket about that otherwise?

#11 Updated by sajolida 2015-10-28 08:14:41

I’m not sure it’s worth creating a ticket to debate the price. I would make sure tails@boum.org (or tails-project@boum.org) is aware that this is happening and wait one week to see if you’re current proposal (which looks good to me) raises more debates.

I also probably already saw your email about the shop infrastructure but forgot about that info.

#12 Updated by Anonymous 2015-11-20 07:28:55

  • Status changed from Confirmed to In Progress
  • % Done changed from 0 to 10
  • Feature Branch set to 451f:tails/feature/10188-tshirts

#13 Updated by Anonymous 2016-09-17 14:55:09

  • Status changed from In Progress to Rejected

At the summit we decided not to sell the T-Shirts but to give them away at events when people they make a donation of a certain amount. So I’m closing this ticket now.