Feature #7819

Backport Jessie's X.Org stack for Wheezy

Added by intrigeri 2014-08-26 17:18:03 . Updated 2016-02-15 12:57:04 .

Hardware support
Target version:
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% Done:


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This would improve graphics hardware support. I’m told that the initial backporting work, only including the 3 or 4 major video drivers, would take 1 solid week of work to an experienced Debian developer.


Related issues

Blocks Tails - Bug #7817: Missing drivers for some Nvidia GTX cards Resolved 2014-08-26


#1 Updated by intrigeri 2014-08-26 17:18:19

  • blocks Bug #7817: Missing drivers for some Nvidia GTX cards added

#2 Updated by BitingBird 2015-01-04 23:12:38

The Jessie release being not-so-far away, it would be lost time to work on that (and it would make more sense to make Jessie happen instead). So… I’ll close this ticket (and the one that is blocked by it) in the next triaging session, I guess.

#3 Updated by intrigeri 2015-01-05 17:30:29

> The Jessie release being not-so-far away, it would be lost time to work on that (and
> it would make more sense to make Jessie happen instead). So… I’ll close this ticket
> (and the one that is blocked by it) in the next triaging session, I guess.

I’m kinda torn on this one: on the one hand, in some sense it’s indeed too late. OTOH, I expect that preparing the first batch of backports (be it for Wheezy or Jessie) will take a lot more time than the following ones, so if someone is interested to work on this, I wouldn’t find it totally crazy to get some training now on a set of Wheezy backports.

#4 Updated by sajolida 2016-02-15 12:57:04

  • Status changed from Confirmed to Rejected

We’re not based on Wheezy anymore, so let’s close this.