Feature #8176

Research privacy-friendly email providers

Added by sajolida 2014-10-27 08:29:15 . Updated 2017-07-10 22:05:30 .

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Email Client
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People at Riseup shown interest in having a list of privacy-friendly email providers that include providers that are not explicitly political.

If we want this to happen, we need to search for such services.



#1 Updated by Anonymous 2014-10-27 10:42:16

There is one such a service which i know of (still in Beta) https://live.startmail.com/ It’s made by Startpage and Ixquick. And it’s not free. Would thus be interesting to know which kind of payments they accept.

#2 Updated by Anonymous 2014-10-27 10:54:07

Next thing which comes to my mind is hushmail.com. (I’m just brainstorming, privacy policy should be researched more in detail, obviously.)

Another thing could be to research more information about LEAP email services (https://leap.se/en/services/email)? I have tried it in the past, but have had not such a great user experience with it i have to admit.

#3 Updated by Anonymous 2014-10-29 21:55:40

This one actually looks promising : https://posteo.de/ It runs on green energy and has been mentioned on heise.de. It accepts anonymous transfer wires, paypal, or some kind of german cash payment. Article about the service in english: http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2014/aug/24/posteo-protect-email-the-german-way-patrik-lohr It costs money to use the service (1€/month).

Then another one, linked to the libre software project Kolab: https://mykolab.com/. They have a lot of features, ranging from synchronization over several devices over to calendars, task lists, file storage, cross-platform compatibility. Here’s the privacy policy: https://mykolab.com/privacy The state that the are obeying to swiss law. They accept Bitcoin.

#4 Updated by Anonymous 2014-11-07 16:49:00

https://anonbox.net/ is a disposable email address service free of charge and reachable over Tor by Germany’s CCC.
“Mailboxes and email addresses are deleted five minutes after a successful fetch of a delivered mail. You can check empty Mailboxes as often as you like, unfetched Mailboxes can receive as many mails as you like.”

#5 Updated by Anonymous 2014-12-07 19:29:41

I recently discovered Tutanota: https://tutanota.com

It’s a german based email service, free of charge (for 1GB mailboxes) which aims at providing end-to-end encryption.
The code is GPLv3 and available here: https://github.com/tutao/tutanota However, encryption features seem to be JavaScript based and for the moment only to work for Tutanota users (tbc).

About encryption, from their FAQ: “For the email encryption between Tutanota users we use a standardized, hybrid method consisting of a symmetrical and an asymmetrical algorithm. We use AES with a length of 128 bit and RSA with 2048 bit. Emails to external recipients are encrypted symmetrically with AES 128 bit.”

It does not yet support PGP, but they want to develop this.

If I understand correctly, it would be possible to run their code on an own server soon, too.

#6 Updated by Anonymous 2014-12-08 13:19:02

No idea what this one is worth: http://openmail.cc

And https://ruggedinbox.com/ which provides a Tor HS, but is still in beta. Server is located in Bulgaria, on a VPS.

#7 Updated by sajolida 2015-02-24 12:32:56

Time to push this to Riseup?

#8 Updated by matsa 2015-02-24 14:50:31

Additionnal resource:


#10 Updated by gatorchomps 2015-03-18 18:49:45

ProtonMail looks promising. At this point, they’re still in beta, but they’re granting accounts by request. They’re incorporated in Switzerland (outside US and EUR jurisdiction?), don’t record IP addresses, and provide end-to-end encryption without having to exchange PGP info.

#11 Updated by Anonymous 2017-06-30 14:36:36

I’m now unsure about the scope of this ticket. Do we want to help Riseup compile this list or do we want to publish this somewhere ourselves? And, are we sure this is still part of Tails’ mission?

#12 Updated by sajolida 2017-07-10 22:05:30

  • Status changed from Confirmed to Rejected

I think this is too far from our mission to most this forward ourselves.