Feature #7274

Decide if torbrowser camouflage is still needed

Added by alant 2014-05-23 03:29:02 . Updated 2014-06-03 07:37:35 .

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For XP camouflage we had torbrowser specific settings. We sould port them if they are still needed.



#1 Updated by alant 2014-05-23 04:00:25

  • Subject changed from Implement torbrowser camouflage if required to Decide if torbrowser camouflage is still needed
  • Type of work changed from Code to Research

#2 Updated by alant 2014-05-23 04:02:59

It looks like we have no chance to actually look like IE10 and its metro interface (http://www.eightforums.com/tutorials/10034-internet-explorer-10-metro-add-remove-favorites-windows-8-a.html), so juste looking like firefox dosen’t seem me that bad.

#3 Updated by alant 2014-05-27 03:19:39

Windows 8 has a desktop mode which is separate from the crazy metro
stuff, and in it everything (applications included) looks much like
Windows 7 (i.e. traditional windows desktops). This desktop mode is what
you currently are trying to emulate, AFAICT, so it should be possible to
make Iceweasel look like an approximation of IE10. This is how IE10
looks in desktop mode:

The Firefox theme FoxE9 almost gets it right (it just has a more Windows
7-ish look) but it’s not available for Linux for some reason.

With some DIY we may get a long way by:

  • Disabling the menu-bar. Then we get the Iceweasel menu button to the
    left of the address bar, which isn’t good, but I see no immediate way
    to improve this.
  • Moving the tabs to right of the address bar and removing most other
    controls, including the search bar.
  • Using a Light Weight Theme similar to the one we use for the Unsafe
    Web Browser but that instead of setting everything to red sets
    everything to the same blue as in the title bar.

> so just looking like firefox doesn’t seem me that bad.

If so, we should stop pretending it is IE completely. After all, Firefox
is pretty common in Windows too. But Iceweasel isn’t. So this would
introduce of to the legal dilemmas of Firefox’ non-free art work; we
cannot legally distribute e.g. the Firefox icon and use it for our
patched browser.

Another issue with this is that many public computers probably seem to
use IE, so Firefox would be a strange sight if running Tails in such a
setting => a bad thing for the “quick look over the shoulder” test.

#4 Updated by anonym 2014-05-28 21:48:29

  • Assignee set to alant

Given that it should be possible, can we close this ticket now with the answer “yes”?

#5 Updated by intrigeri 2014-06-03 07:37:35

  • Status changed from Confirmed to Resolved
  • Assignee deleted (alant)
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100