Feature #6868
Identify which parts of our doc are still inherited from Incognito
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
Before 1.0, it would be worth parsing through all the Documentation section, and:
- Identify which parts are still from Incognito and should be rewritten.
- Delete parts that don’t apply anymore.
- Probably spot out parts that are outdated.
- Create ticket for things that cannot be done straight away.
#1 Updated by intrigeri 2014-03-08 10:56:36
- Target version set to Tails_1.0
(Let’s make this subtask of a 1.0 ticket appear on the roadmap.)
#2 Updated by BitingBird 2014-03-23 22:47:04
I found at least https://tails.boum.org/doc/advanced_topics/virtualization/tails_within_windows/index.en.html
#3 Updated by sajolida 2014-04-13 21:26:42
I identified at least parts of:
- /doc/introduction
- /doc/about/anonymity
- /doc/about/trust
- /doc/anonymous_internet/networkmanager
- /doc/anonymous_internet/unsafe_browser
- /doc/anonymous_internet/vidalia
- /doc/anonymous_internet/i2p
- /doc/encryption_and_privacy/encrypted_volumes
- /doc/sensitive_documents/office_suite
- /doc/sensitive_documents/desktop_publishing
- /doc/advanced_topics/virtualization
- /doc/advanced_topics/virtualization/tails_within_windows/
- /doc/advanced_topics/virtualization/tips/
#4 Updated by sajolida 2014-04-13 21:27:14
- Status changed from Confirmed to Resolved
- Assignee deleted (
#5 Updated by BitingBird 2014-05-27 10:40:59
- % Done changed from 0 to 100