Feature #6030

decide what web homepage to use

Added by Tails 2013-07-18 07:49:40 . Updated 2013-07-19 01:31:04 .

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iceweasel’s homepage is currently set to https://check.torproject.org/.

Our release process now includes quite thorough testing that makes us confident enough in Tails configuration to instead use this very website as the homepage.

So, we might want to use the Tails website as the iceweasel homepage, so that users know about it and find how to get in touch, report bugs, etc. (a bookmark to https://check.torproject.org/ has been added in the devel branch (commit 89d7561) to ease the transition).

Another reason to switch homepage to something else (a light check.torproject.org version, perhaps?) is that the current one is not discreet enough. The Tails website is not substantially more discreet.

We started to discuss this, and the most up-to-date proposal would be to point the homepage to our online website’s "News" page, that would e.g. announce new release candidates to test etc.

We decided to set the homepage to "news" as soon as it is translatable.

Is this a good idea though? When the first circuit is established, the tbb users will go to the tor check webpage while the tails users to the news page. For the first 10 minutes would the exit not see: "this is a tails user"? IsolateDestinationAdress would solve this but it is not here yet is it? Does this lead to fingerprinting of some kind? Also, regardless of your confidence in the implementation most users will miss the visual assurance (especially if from an independent although endorsing entity), as there is none in the current news session, and as far as discretion goes, is IMHO worse. If I am confused I am glad to stand corrected, but I see no point to change the starting page under current conditions.

A closed ticket is no right place to discuss this. Please move the discussion to the tails-dev mailing-list.



#1 Updated by intrigeri 2013-07-19 01:31:04

  • Type of work set to Discuss

Type of work: Discuss