Feature #17639

Update Help Desk's mission

Added by intrigeri 2020-04-19 17:44:50 . Updated 2020-04-19 17:58:22 .

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Once the auto-reply (Bug #17638) is in place, Help Desk can focus on improving Tails for all users, and stop answering every bug report.

Once we’re there we shall update Help Desk’s mission to take this into account:

  • Ideally we would focus our work on improving things for everybody, so that the next person does not meet the same problem. Helping individuals only does not achieve that.
  • In reports received by Help Desk, look for input that will teach us something we don’t know, or that will help us improve Tails.
  • Sometimes it could be OK to stop answering users once the “Gather qualitative and quantitative user data” part of Help Desk’s mission is done, e.g. OpenPGP (Bug #17183) or hardware support (except regressions).
  • If nobody feels/is able to do a shift or three, it’s OK to skip it entirely, or maybe someone does it in read-only mode, no answers, only to report back major issues to the project.
  • Hardware support: identify regressions that affect a broad range of hardware, document workarounds our users discover themselves and report to us; apart of that, stop putting efforts into this kind of work.


Related issues

Blocked by Tails - Bug #17638: Auto-reply support requests sent to Help Desk Confirmed


#1 Updated by intrigeri 2020-04-19 17:45:19

  • blocked by Bug #17638: Auto-reply support requests sent to Help Desk added

#2 Updated by intrigeri 2020-04-19 17:58:22

  • Description updated