Feature #15947

Guard Node?

Added by atlsouthsider 2018-09-12 16:37:44 . Updated 2019-04-02 17:12:53 .

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Once online the guard node cannot be changed. I wish there was a way to control the language/country of response without giving away much security - while DDG is my standard search engine, I am especially interested in a way to better control Google Search. In my case, I am particularly interested in the English of Great Britain, Canada, New Zealand and Australia and would prefer to use their English only for evaluating responses.



#1 Updated by letthemeatpie 2018-09-13 06:51:18

>Once online the guard node cannot be changed.

Sure it can. It may change during your use of Tor. Or, it can be easily done via the Terminal, but I don’t recommend it.

#2 Updated by atlsouthsider 2018-09-13 15:30:57

atlsouthsider wrote:
> I wish there was a way to control the language/country of response without giving away much security - while DDG is my standard search engine, I am especially interested in a way to better control Google Search. In my case, I am particularly interested in the English of Great Britain, Canada, New Zealand and Australia and would prefer to use their English only for evaluating responses (to queries).

I should never have mentioned the guard node. I found not to change it when searching riseup. The rest of the question is what I wish to accomplish.

#3 Updated by mercedes508 2018-11-09 09:41:08

  • Assignee set to emmapeel

#4 Updated by goupille 2019-04-02 17:12:53

  • Status changed from New to Rejected
  • Assignee deleted (emmapeel)

atlsouthsider, I think that what you want to do is setting the exit node to english speaking countries only. since tor is not using the same relay each time its connecting to a new domain name, it kind of breaks the way tor is working, therefore, it is not supported in Tails nor advised. sometimes, the language of the webpage can be set in the url you’re connecting to (like https://riseup.net/en and https://riseup.net/de).