Feature #11047

Decide if we want to have monthly reports and who should edit them

Added by Anonymous 2016-02-02 20:28:02 . Updated 2016-04-14 10:52:49 .

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Due to lack of time and commitment, we started discussion on tails-project if we want to have monthly or quarterly reports. All we’ve agreed upon is that we want reports.

People who would do the reports: sajolida, muri, spriver, u, atomike

sajolida proposed to have shifts between all the volunteers.

It has been proposed that we would create and assign a ticket for each report and people who want their stuff reported need to make the effort to let the report manager know about it.

Monthly stats are sent internally, but parts of it could be sent publicly, as they will be made public anyway.

The reporting process is in the internal repo for now.



#1 Updated by intrigeri 2016-02-03 08:56:54

Also, these could help quite a bit: https://tails.boum.org/blueprint/SponsorS/reports/

#2 Updated by muri 2016-03-10 09:40:52

hi, so after doing the monthly report once, my proposal:
there should be one person per month who is responsible for compiling the monthly report. i think it would be best if that is done before the monthly meeting so all participants of the meeting can take a look and add/change/remove stuff (by informing the resonsible person or by doing so themselves). after the monthly meeting there can be another N days (proposal: N=5) for additions that take a little longer and cannot be done during/right after the meeting.

#3 Updated by intrigeri 2016-03-22 12:37:54

> there should be one person per month who is responsible for compiling the monthly report.

ACK (and that’s the proposal that raised some kind of consensus last time it was discussed on -project@ IIRC).

> i think it would be best if that is done before the monthly meeting so all participants of the meeting can take a look and add/change/remove stuff (by informing the resonsible person or by doing so themselves). after the monthly meeting there can be another N days (proposal: N=5) for additions that take a little longer and cannot be done during/right after the meeting.

I’m up to trying this. Note that all this typically comes before we draft SponsorS report (relevant at least for the next 4 months), which can be a cause for duplicated efforts.

#4 Updated by sajolida 2016-04-14 10:52:49

  • Status changed from Confirmed to Resolved

From the April meeting:

So, report volunteers will take shifts for next months reports.
During monthly meeting information can be gathered, and 5 days after report is finished by the volunteer

  • April: u
  • May:spriver?
  • June:sajolida
  • July: Atomike?
  • August: intrigeri

So I think we can close this ticket for the time being and see how things go until the summit.